webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers | Creating Target Groups
Creating Target Groups
If you find that you repeatedly have to map deployment sets to the same set of target servers, you can reduce your effort by grouping the target servers into a target group. You can then map the deployment sets to the target group rather than to the individual target servers.
Not all runtime types support the use of target groups when deploying to a clustered environment. The following table describes which runtimes do and do not support the use of target groups when deploying to a clustered environment:
Use target groups when deploying to a clustered environment?
No. ActiveTransfer groups (multiple instances sharing the same database), do not require target groups. A single ActiveTransfer Server instance in the group shares asset information with all other ActiveTransfer Server nodes. For more information, see Managing File Transfers with webMethods ActiveTransfer.
No. When APIGateway runs in clustered mode, you need to configure only one APIGateway in the cluster as a target. APIGateway takes care of the synchronization across all the cluster nodes.
Application Platform
Yes. To deploy Application Platform assets to a clustered environment, you must set up connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes all of the servers in the cluster.
AgileApps Cloud
BAM process models
BPM process models
Yes. For instructions on creating target groups for use in a clustered environment, see Deploying to Clustered Integration Servers.
Yes. To copy Broker clients to all of the cluster nodes, you must use a target group to deploy the Broker clients to each node in the cluster. When you deploy Broker assets to one of the nodes in a Broker cluster, all Broker assets except clients are copied to all of the cluster nodes.
Task Engine
Yes. To deploy task engine assets to a clustered environment, you should set up connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes all of the servers in the cluster.
Business Rules
Yes. To deploy business rules to a clustered environment, you should set up connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes all of the servers in the cluster.
Business Rules on My webMethods Server
No. Instead of using a target group containing all cluster nodes, add one target server only. Do not use the configured My webMethods Server Front End URL of the cluster, but the actual host and port of one of the configured cluster nodes. Make sure to configure this cluster node as described in Working with Business Rules in My webMethods. Since the deployed assets will be stored in the data base, all cluster nodes will be able to access them after deployment.
Digital Event Services
Yes. To deploy Digital Event Services (DES) assets to a clustered environment, you must configure connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes all of the servers in the cluster. The DES event types must be deployed to each single Software AG installation regardless of whether a server instance is part of a cluster.
Yes. To deploy EDA assets to a clustered environment, you must set up connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes all of the servers in the cluster.
Event Servers
Yes. You must use target groups to deploy to event servers in an HA cluster. You can also use a target group when deploying to multiple independent event servers.
Note: Deployer supports deployment of assets to Event Servers of version 9.5 or earlier only.
Integration Server
Yes. For instructions on creating target groups for use in a clustered environment, see Deploying to Clustered Integration Servers.
My webMethods
Yes. To deploy My webMethods assets to a clustered environment, you should set up connections to the cluster and create a target group that includes all of the servers in the cluster.
No. When deploying Optimize assets to an Optimize cluster, you should deploy to a single node of that cluster. Do not deploy to a target group.
Trading Networks
Yes. For instructions on creating target groups for use in a clustered environment, see Deploying to Clustered Integration Servers.
Universal Messaging
Yes. You must use target groups to deploy cluster wide assets. For all other assets, you can use target groups if you want to sync the asset properties on each node.
* To create a target group
1. In Deployer, go to the Target Groups > server page.
2. Click Create server Groups.
3. In the Name field, type the name to use for the target group. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
4. In the Description field, type a description for the target group. The description length has no limit and can include any characters.
5. In the Version box, enter the version of the target group.
Note: Deployer limits the servers you can select for inclusion in the target group to those with the version you specify in the Version box. You cannot add servers of different versions to a target group. For information about selecting the version, see Connecting to webMethods Servers.
6. Click Create.
7. You can specify that deployment must either succeed on all servers in the target group or be automatically rolled back. In other words, if deployment fails on any server in the target group, you can specify that Deployer must automatically roll back the deployment on all servers in the group. To do so, set Rollback All on Failure to Yes; Deployer will ignore the Rollback on Error project setting (see Setting General Deployment Defaults).
Note: Rollback All on Failure is valid for runtime-based deployment only. Deployer ignores this setting for repository-based deployment.
8. The Available Servers list shows the servers of the specified type for which you have set up connections to Deployer and that match the version you specified in the Version field. Select the servers to add to the target group, and then click Add. The servers move to the Selected Servers list.
9. Click Save.
10. To test the connection between Deployer and the target group, click in the Test column in the left pane.
If the test fails, Deployer displays Resolve in the Test column. You must resolve the servers to continue. Perform the following task to resolve the servers within the target group:
a. Click Resolve in the Test column.
Deployer displays the unresolved servers in the Check Inconsistencies page in the right pane.
b. Click the server to resolve and click Resolve Inconsistencies.
Deployer removes the server from the target group and returns you to the Configure Target Group page.
c. Make any additional changes to the target group and click Save.
d. Click in the Test column in the left pane to test the connection between Deployer and the target group.
11. If you want to rebuild the index, perform the following procedure:
Note: For more information about rebuilding the index, see Rebuilding the Index.
a. If you want to change the repository directory, perform the following:
a. In the Name column, click the name of the repository to edit.
Deployeropens the repository properties in the right-hand pane.
b. In the File Directory box, type the full path of the repository for which to rebuild the index.
c. Click Save Changes.
b. In the Create Index column for the repository, click .
For more information about rebuilding the index, see Rebuilding the Index.
click in the Create Index column on the left pane.

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