webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying Process Models with E-Forms | Deploying Process Models with E-Forms
Deploying Process Models with E-Forms
Note: These instructions apply to runtime-based deployment only. For repository-based deployment, if you want to deploy ProcessModels with e-forms, you must configure the e-form listener manually in the target environment. For more information about configuring the e-form listener manually, see Implementing webMethods Content Service Platform for BPM (for Content Service Platform) or Implementing E-form Support for BPM (for My webMethods Server).
If you are creating a ProcessModel deployment set, the e-forms might trigger process steps in the process models. In this case, follow these instructions:
1. When you define the ProcessModel deployment set, JCR or CSP files will appear as dependencies. You must include them in the ProcessModel deployment set unless they already exist on the target server and they already specify the correct paths to the e-form templates and e-form instances folders. For instructions on resolving dependencies, see Resolving Dependencies.
Note: My webMethods Server assets (that is, the e-form templates and e-form instances folders) do not appear as dependencies.
2. When you map the ProcessModel deployment set to the target servers, substitute the password configuration values for the JCR or CSP files. These passwords, which Process Engines use to connect to the My webMethods Server or Content Service Platform that hosts e-forms, must be correct for the target environment. Also change other JCR or CSP file configuration values to be correct for the target environment if necessary.
Note: Configure the CSP in the target server with the same structure and content as the source server.
3. If you are using e-forms with My webMethods Server, perform the following additional tasks:
a. Define an MWS deployment set that contains the e-form templates and e-form instances folders from the My webMethods Server that hosts e-forms in the source environment. In the project settings for the project that contains this deployment set, set the Export Content (Documents) property to Yes (see the Export Content (Documents) property as described in Creating a Project).
Note: This setting is set to No by default. Since project settings affect all deployment sets in the project, make sure that other MWS deployment sets you include in the project can share this setting, or do not include other MWS deployment sets in the project.
b. Before deploying, go to the My webMethods Server that hosts e-forms in the source environment and delete the contents of the e-form instances folder.

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