webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying Optimize Assets | Deploying Optimize Assets in Static DB Schema Mode
Deploying Optimize Assets in Static DB Schema Mode
You deploy Optimize assets by adopting the following procedure only when Analytic Engine runs in Static DB Schema mode. For deploying Optimize assets when Static DB Schema mode is not activated, see Deploying a Project.
* To deploy Optimize assets when Analytic Engine runs in Static DB Schema mode
1. Make sure you have deployed an environment with Analytic Engine running in Static DB Schema mode as described in Disabling Automatic Execution of DDL Statements.
2. In Integration Server: Solutions > Deployer.
3. On the Deployer > Settings page, in the General Deployment Defaults area, make sure the Batch Size property is set to 0 to avoid batching of the deployment set.
4. Go to the Deployer > Projects page and configure an Optimize deployment candidate as described in Creating a Project.
5. Click Deploy. Deployer displays the Projects > project > Deploy page and lists all deployment candidates that exist for the selected project.
6. To deploy the project, click in the Deploy column for the deployment candidate.
Deployer does the following:
*Removes older versions of the assets in the project build from the target servers to prepare the servers for deployment.
*Creates a deployment report and lists the report in the Deployment History area. The deployment report contains the location of the .sql file that you need to execute manually before continuing with the second deployment phase.
7. Locate and execute the SQL scripts.
You must have database administrator privileges on the database to be able to execute the scripts. You will find the script(s) that must be executed in a .sql file on the Analytic Engine host file system. The exact location is specified in the deployment report in the Deployment History area.
8. Click in the Deploy column to complete the deployment.

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