webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying Optimize Assets | Disabling Automatic Execution of DDL Statements
Disabling Automatic Execution of DDL Statements
You must disable the automatic execution of DDL statements to be able to safely deploy Optimize deployment sets as described in Deploying Optimize Assets in Static DB Schema Mode.
* To disable the automatic execution of DDL statements
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > Environments > Define Environments.
2. On the Define Environments page, click the name of the environment with which you want to work.
3. On the Edit Environment page, click the Configure Servers tab.
4. Under the appropriate Analytic Engine logical server node in the configuration tree, click Database Settings.
5. In the Database Settings for Analytic Engine area, click Disable DDL Statements to disable the automatic execution of DDL statements.
6. Click Save to save changes.
Note: If you click Finish without first clicking Save, any changes made to these settings will be lost.
7. Click Deploy All to deploy all configuration files to all logical servers in an environment, or click Deploy Updates to deploy only the modified configuration files to the affected logical servers in the environment.
The status of the deployment operation appears after the operation is completed. The status includes a list of the files that were deployed to the environment and also lists any errors that occurred.
Note: If you edit a configuration and deploy only the updates, the logical servers in the environment must be restarted for the new configuration settings to take effect.

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