webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying Optimize Assets | Overview
When you use Deployer to deploy Optimize assets, the process often requires modifications to the Analytic Engine DB schema on the target server. The modifications result from the automatic execution of Data Definition Language (DDL) statements on the database. You can configure the Analytic Engine to run in Static DB Schema mode, where the automatic execution of DDL statements is disabled. For more information, see Disabling Automatic Execution of DDL Statements.
When the Analytic Engine runs in Static DB Schema mode, the deployment process for Optimize assets runs through two stages. This ensures that no unauthorized modification of the database schema is allowed.
*First stage (DDL Recording) - during this stage, the deployment process carries out the following actions:
1. Old versions of the Optimize assets are removed from the Analytic Engine cache.
2. Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are executed.
3. DDL statements are collected but not executed.
*After these procedures finish, you manually execute the Analytic Engine SQL scripts.
*Second stage (Actual Deployment) - during this stage, the deployment process carries out the following actions:
1. Determines if the database has been updated with the SQL scripts as described in the first stage.
2. Creates the deployed Optimize assets.
Note: In practice, these stages are part of a single procedure, as described in Deploying Optimize Assets in Static DB Schema Mode. However, be aware that you must complete both deployment stages for each Optimize deployment set before you start deploying another set. Otherwise you will create orphaned objects in your database.

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