webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying a Project | Rolling Back Target Servers | Rolling Back Target Servers Manually
Rolling Back Target Servers Manually
For runtime-based projects, you can roll back target servers manually at any time after deployment if you performed both of the following:
*You set the Rollback on Error project setting to Manual. For more information about this setting, see Setting Default Properties for All Projects.
*You did not deploy to a target group whose Rollback All on Failure setting is Yes. For more information about this setting, see Creating Target Groups.
For repository-based projects, you can roll back target servers manually if you performed either of the following:
*You enabled transactional deployment to create an automatic checkpoint through the Enable Transactional Deployment parameter. For more information about transactional deployment, see Creating a Project.
*You generated a manual checkpoint for the project. For more information about generating a manual checkpoint, see Generating a Checkpoint Manually.
* To roll back target servers manually
1. In the Deployment Candidates list, click in the Rollback column.
Deployer displays the rollback report in the right-hand pane in the Deployment History area.
2. To display the rollback report, click next to Rollback in the Report Type column. The report is also available under the name project_name_auditReport_reportID.xml in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\ WmDeployer\pub\projects\project_name\targets\deployment_map\reports folder, where project_name is the name of the project and deployment_map is the name of the deployment map.
If you rolled back an IS & TN deployment set, the following apply:
*If the Activate After Deployment option for a package was set to Inbound Only, the report will warn that the package is not present on the target Integration Servers. You can ignore this warning.
*If the deployment set included webMethods files, the directory structure for those files remains in the webMethods installation directory on the target servers. You can delete the directories manually.
*If you deployed Trading Networks document attributes, field definitions, binary types, or profile security data, Deployer does not roll them back.
If you rolled back a ProcessModel deployment set, the rollback behavior varies, as follows:
*For process models you deployed that were versions of existing process models on the target servers, Deployer rolled back the deployed versions from the target servers.
*For deployed process models that were new on the target servers, Deployer disables the deployed process models but does not remove them from the target servers.
If you rolled back Universal Messaging assets, the rollback behavior is as follows:
*Deployer will not roll back the assets if the port is already being used by another existing interface.
*Deployer does not roll back nested security groups. For example, if group1 contains group2, the rollback will not restore the nested group2.

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