webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying a Project | Rolling Back Target Servers | Rolling Back Target Servers Automatically
Rolling Back Target Servers Automatically
Deployer automatically rolls back target servers for runtime-based projects in these cases:
*You set the Rollback on Error project setting to Automatic (see Setting General Deployment Defaults). If the deployment fails on a target server, Deployer automatically rolls back that target server.
*Deployment failed to a target group whose Rollback All on Failure setting is Yes (see Creating Target Groups). If deployment to any server in such a target group fails, Deployer automatically rolls back all servers in the target group.
Deployer automatically rolls back the target servers for repository-based projects when transactional deployment is enabled for the project and deployment fails. For more information about enabling transactional deployment, see Creating a Project.

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