webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Creating and Managing Projects | Setting the Defaults for Integration Server and Trading Networks Projects
Setting the Defaults for Integration Server and Trading Networks Projects
Note: IS & TN Deployment Defaults settings apply only to runtime-based deployment.
In addition to the default properties for all projects, Deployer uses default properties for all Integration Server and Trading Networks projects. To set these properties, go to the Deployer > Settings page. When you are done, click Save.
You can override many of these properties for individual projects; see Creating a Project.
These default properties apply to all assets except Integration Server packages. You specify package properties for Integration Server packages on a package-by-package basis. For instructions, see Setting Package Properties.
* To set default properties for Integration Server and Trading Networks projects
1. In the Suspend During Deployment area on the Settings page, indicate whether Deployer should suspend activity for the Integration Server following assets while deployment is going on. Typically, if the targets are production Integration Servers, you would suspend all of these types of assets. After deployment, Deployer enables the disabled ports and resumes the suspended triggers, adapter listeners, polling notifications, and scheduled tasks.
Allow all running trigger operations to complete, then suspend all trigger execution and document retrieval on the target Integration Servers.
Note: If you choose All, Deployer suspends execution and document retrieval for ALL triggers on the target Integration Servers, not just for the triggers that you include in the project.
Do not suspend triggers.
Suspend individual triggers. You choose the triggers to suspend when you set package properties (see Setting Package Properties).
Whether to disable ports on the target Integration Servers that match ports you are trying to deploy.
Scheduled Tasks
Whether to prevent scheduled tasks on the target Integration Servers that match scheduled tasks you are trying to deploy from running.
Note: Tasks that are already running at deployment time are not affected by deployment.
Do not suspend adapter listeners or polling notifications.
Suspend individual adapter listeners and polling notifications. You choose the notifications to suspend when you set package properties (see Setting Package Properties).
2. In the Overwrite Existing area on the Settings page, indicate how Deployer should proceed when it finds that assets you are trying to deploy already exist on target Integration Servers.
For this option...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
TN Rules
Replace the entire rule list.
Replace All
Overwrite existing rules and deploy new rules into the rule set.
ACL Maps
Deploy the mapping of ACLs to services for any services you choose to deploy. Deploy ACL maps if you want to assign the same ACLs to the deployed services on the target Integration Server that you assigned to the source services on the source Integration Servers.
Other Non-Package Assets
Overwrite existing assets. This option applies to all assets except the following:
*Trading Networks processing rules (see the previous step).
*Integration Server ACL maps (see ACL Maps).
*Integration Server packages. You specify the overwrite option for Integration Server packages on a package-by-package basis, as described in Setting Package Properties.
Scheduled Tasks By
This property can be set to either Service Name or ID. If this property is set to Service Name, and if a scheduled task with the same service name already exists, Deployer overwrites it with the one being deployed. If this property is set to ID, then based on the task ID which is present on the target, Deployer either overwrites the task if the source and target task IDs are same, or creates a new one.
Note: Before you deploy a project for runtime-based deployment, you can find out which assets Deployer will overwrite by generating the simulation report.
3. In the Activate After Deployment area on the Settings page, indicate whether Deployer should activate the following assets on the target Integration Servers. Activate After Deployment is used only if Suspend During Deployment is set to Yes.
For this option...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
Activate newly deployed ports.
Note: If you choose to activate ports, and one of the ports you deploy uses the same port number as an existing port on a target Integration Server, Deployer will display a message to that effect and will not activate the port.
Scheduled Tasks
Activate newly deployed scheduled tasks.
Activate newly deployed adapter connections, notifications, and listeners.
Note: If you choose to not activate, the deployed adapter connections, notifications, and listeners will be in the same state they are in on the source server.
4. In the Packages area on the Settings page, indicate whether Deployer should compile the package and/or reload the package on the target Integration Server.
For this option...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
Compile Java Services
Compile the package during deployment.
When Integration Server packages contain Java sources and are deployed using runtime-based deployment, the Java sources will get compiled on the target Integration Server if the Compile Java Services property is set to Yes.
Reload Packages
If the Reload Packages option is set to Yes, deployed packages get reloaded after the package is activated. If the property is set to No, packages will not be reloaded after deployment. The default value is No.
5. Click Save.

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