webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to an IS & TN Deployment Set | Adding Integration Server Packages | Setting Package Properties
Setting Package Properties
You must set properties for each package you added to the deployment set.
* To set properties for a package
1. In the Deployment Sets area, under the deployment set to which you added entire or partial packages, open the tree under the Packages folder and click a package.
2. In the package_name Properties area, specify the following properties:
Package Type
Use this property when the source package already exists on the target Integration Servers. You can use the following options for entire packages and for partial packages.
If you want Deployer to...
Deploy the source package, replacing the existing package entirely. When you choose to deploy an entire package, this is the default.
Deploy the components and files in the source package over the corresponding components and files in the existing package. When you choose to deploy package components, package files, or both, this is the default.
Note: Before you deploy a project, you can find out which assets Deployer will overwrite by generating the simulation report.
Supply the version number to use for the source package in comparisons with existing packages on target Integration Servers.
Whether Deployer actually deploys the package depends on the version numbers of the source package and the existing package. If the source package's version number is the same or higher than the existing package's version number, Deployer deploys. If the source package's version number is lower than the existing package's version number, Deployer does not deploy.
Note: The version number for the source package on the source Integration Server is not affected by your entry here.
Supply the build number to assign to the deployed package on the target Integration Servers.
Note: To retain the patch history of a package on the target server, you must specify a build number for the package.
Patches Included
Supply the list of patches that have been applied to the deployed package on the target Integration Servers. Specify the patch numbers, separated by commas (for example, 44, 45, 55). Specify patches only if you selected Full for Package Type.
Brief Description
Supply a description to use for the deployed package on the target Integration Servers (for example, "December 2003 release with patches to correct Order Process problem.") Specify a description only if you selected Full for Package Type.
3. In the Recommendations for Target area, you can recommend the minimum version of Integration Server and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run the source package. If the JVM version on the target Integration Server is lower than you specify here, Deployer will deploy the source package but will not activate it, regardless of the setting of the Activate After Deployment option. When this happens, the target Integration Server will display a warning about the JVM version. The defaults shown in this area reflect the Integration Server and JVM that host the source package.
4. In the Package Build Options area, indicate whether Deployer should use the package version and build numbers that exist in the source Integration Server each time the user creates a build instead of the package version and build numbers specified in the package_name Properties area.
5. In the Package Deployment Options area, specify the following:
Activate After Deployment
How Deployer should deploy the package. Click:
*Activate to enable the package.
*Install Only to install the package but not enable it.
*Inbound Only to neither install nor enable the package.
Sync Document Types
Whether Deployer should synchronize the publishable IS document types in the source package with document types on the webMethods Brokers or Software AG Universal Messaging servers that are connected to the target Integration Servers.
Note: The connected webMethods Brokers or Software AG Universal Messaging servers must be available at deployment time for synchronization to occur. If a connected webMethods Broker or Software AG Universal Messaging server is not available, IS document types are not synchronized for the Integration Server to which the webMethods Broker or Software AG Universal Messaging server is connected. Deployer writes a message to that effect to the deployment report. Deployer can detect webMethods Broker or Software AG Universal Messaging server unavailability when you generate the simulation report and will write a message advising you of the problem to the report.
Synchronize all publishable IS document types in the package that are new to the target Integration Servers. Do not synchronize IS document types in the package that already exist on the target Integration Servers, even if they have been modified.
Synchronize all publishable IS document types in the package.
Do not synchronize any IS document types.
6. If you indicated in the project properties that you want Deployer to suspend individual triggers during deployment, click Suspend Triggers, select the check box next to each trigger to suspend, click Suspend, and then return to the previous page.
7. If you indicated in the project properties that you want Deployer to suspend individual adapter notifications during deployment, click Suspend Notifications, select the check box next to each notification to suspend, click Suspend, and then return to the previous page.
Note: If you suspend a particular adapter notification but the notification does not exist on a target Integration Server, you will not be able to deploy. You can only suspend notifications that already exist on all target Integration Servers.
8. Click Save.
9. Repeat these steps for each package in the deployment set.
10. If you are not going to add any more assets to the deployment set, go to Resolving Dependencies.

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