webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers | Connecting to webMethods Servers | Connecting to My webMethods Servers
Connecting to My webMethods Servers
Use the following procedure to set up connections to My webMethods Servers.
* To connect to source and target My webMethods Servers
1. In Deployer, go to the Servers > MWS page.
2. For every source and target My webMethods Server, click Configure MWS Server and complete these fields:
Name to assign to the server. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
Host name or IP address of the server.
Port for the server.
User name for a user account with Administrator authority that Deployer can use to access the server.
Password that is associated with the user name.
Version of the My webMethods Server. For information about selecting the version, see Connecting to webMethods Servers.
Root folder aliases
My webMethods Server aliases to use as root folders when selecting pages to deploy. Separate the folders using commas.
Include security dependencies
Whether to include the following in the dependencies list for My webMethods Server assets when creating an MWS deployment set:
*Security realms that contain the assets.
*User/group/role references in the assets' security ACLs.
If the dependencies do not exist on the target My webMethods Servers, include them in the list. You will have to include them in the deployment set. Exclude the dependencies if they do exist on the target My webMethods Servers. For information about resolving dependencies, see Resolving Dependencies (for runtime-based deployment), or Resolving Dependencies (for repository-based deployment).
Maximum Folder Object Count
Maximum number of assets to display within My webMethods Server folders when you are defining and choosing assets to include in an MWS deployment set.
Maximum Folder Depth
Maximum number of My webMethods Server folder levels to display when you are defining and choosing assets to include in an MWS deployment set.
Enable additional MWS logging
Whether to log debug information about selected assets to source My webMethods Server logs, and assets that Deployer deploys to target My webMethods Server logs.
Exclude Core Task Engine Dependencies
Whether to exclude Task Engine portlets from the dependencies list for task application assets. Exclude the portlets from the list if the target My webMethods Servers host the Task Engine; the portlets are installed with the Task Engine. Include the portlets if the target My webMethods Servers do not host the Task Engine; you will have to include the portlets in the deployment set. For information about dependencies, see Resolving Dependencies (for runtime-based deployment) or Resolving Dependencies (for repository-based deployment).
Cache Timeout
Length of time queries should remain in the cache unless the cache capacity is exceeded.
Whether Deployer should use SSL to connect to the My webMethods Server.
Note: You can only use SSL if the My webMethods Server is configured to use SSL. Configure the My webMethods Server's HTTPS port to not request client certificates. For instructions on defining the HTTPS port, see Administering My webMethods Server.
3. Click Configure. To test the connection, click .

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