webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Concepts | Repository-Based Deployment | Overview of Repository-Based Deployment
Overview of Repository-Based Deployment
The following graphic illustrates the asset deployment process in repository-based deployment:
The repository-based deployment process involves the following basic stages:
Stage 1
Create assets on your development environment.
Developers create assets in the development environment and save them on a server, or check them into a version control system (VCS).
Stage 2
Build the composites and descriptors.
You use the master build script to build the composite and descriptor files from the assets. You store these files in the repository.
Stage 3
You use Deployer to do the following:
1. Define a deployment project and deployment sets. You select user-created assets from the ACDL composite stored on the repository to identify the assets to include in the project. For more information about deployment projects, see Creating Projects. For more information about deployment sets, see Deployment Sets.
2. Map the contents of the deployment project to target servers. For more information, see Mapping Projects.
3. Deploy the assets in the project build to the target servers. For more information, see Deploying Projects.
For a more specific list of tasks you perform in the repository-based deployment process, see Getting Started with Repository-Based Deployment.

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