webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Concepts | Repository-Based Deployment
Repository-Based Deployment
Build Script
Overview of Repository-Based Deployment
In repository-based deployment, you build the assets from your development environment or version control system (VCS) and store them in a repository. The repository is a specific directory structure to which you map Deployer. Deployer deploys the assets contained in the repository to target servers, target groups, or both.
You can use repository-based deployment to deploy assets from the following kinds of webMethods runtimes to target servers:
*API Gateway
*Application Platform
*BPM Process Development
*Business Rules
*Digital Event Services
*Event Server
Note: Deployer supports deployment of assets to Event Servers of version 9.5 or earlier only.
*Integration Server
*My webMethods Server
*Trading Networks
*Task Engine
*Universal Messaging

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