webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to an IS & TN Deployment Set
Adding Assets to an IS & TN Deployment Set
Deploying ACLs
Adding Integration Server Administration Assets
Adding Integration Server Packages
Adding webMethods Files
Adding Trading Networks Assets
Excluding Common Assets
The following sections explain how to add these types of user-created assets to an IS & TN deployment set:
*Integration Server administrative assets such as ports, users, groups, and scheduled tasks, packages, and web service descriptors.
*Integration Server packages.
*webMethods files.
*Trading Networks assets.
Note: Integration Server introduces new assets from time to time and not all the assets can be deployed using runtime-based deployment. In a runtime-based deployment, Deployer may not be able to recognize new types of Integration Server assets. If a package contains such assets, Deployer displays those assets as unknown types and shows them as unresolved dependencies. While deploying, select Ignore to bypass dependency checking. Those assets cannot be selected individually for deployment. It is recommended to use repository-based deployment.
Your source and target Integration Servers might have assets in common, and you do not need to deploy them from one environment to another. You can improve Deployer performance by excluding these assets from deployment sets. For instructions, see Excluding Common Assets.

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