webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to an IS & TN Deployment Set | Excluding Common Assets
Excluding Common Assets
Your source and target Integration Servers might have assets in common, and therefore you do not need to deploy them from one environment to another. For example, you might have created certain packages that exist on all your source and target Integration Servers.
Deployer lets you identify these common assets so they will not appear in the asset list when you define deployment sets or as referenced assets when you resolve dependencies (see Resolving Dependencies). The assets you specify on this list will be excluded for all IS & TN deployment sets in all projects. Excluding these common assets improves Deployer performance by reducing the amount of processing needed to produce the asset and dependencies lists, and by preventing you from deploying unnecessary assets.
You identify the common assets in a file named common.cnf in the Integration Server_directory \WmDeployer\config directory. By default, the file is pre-populated with the names of Integration Server packages you should never deploy to other Integration Servers using Deployer, but rather should only install on other Integration Servers using the Software AG Installer. The file also includes instructions, lists the asset types you can exclude, and shows examples. List the assets you want to exclude next to the appropriate asset types.

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