webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to an IS & TN Deployment Set | Adding webMethods Files
Adding webMethods Files
When Deployer deploys a webMethods file, the file retains the read/write permissions it had on the source server.
For large projects, you might be able to stream webMethods files from the source server to Deployer and from Deployer to the target server. For detailed information on this option, see Setting General Deployment Defaults.
* To add Integration Server files
1. In the Deployment Sets area, under the deployment set to which to add webMethods files, click the webMethodsFiles folder. In the right-hand pane, Deployer lists the source Integration Servers you identified.
2. In the right-hand pane, open the tree to show the webMethods installation directory and its contents on the source Integration Servers. Select the check box next to each file to add to the deployment set.
3. Click Save. Deployer shows the selected assets in the left-hand pane under the webMethodsFiles folder for the deployment set.
4. If you are not going to add any more assets to the deployment set, go to Resolving Dependencies.

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