webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to an IS & TN Deployment Set | Adding Integration Server Packages | Adding Package Files
Adding Package Files
If you choose to add both package components and package files to a deployment set, you must be aware of the following:
*If you first select components, and then select files, Deployer only allows you to add files from the package file list.
*If you first select files, and then select components, Deployer might overwrite certain file selections to ensure consistency.
* To add package files
1. In the Deployment Sets area, under the deployment set to which to add package files, click the Packages folder. In the right-hand pane, Deployer lists all source Integration Servers.
2. In the right-hand pane, open the tree to show the packages on the source Integration Servers, then click the name of a package that contains files to add to the deployment set.
3. Click Select Files. Deployer lists all files in the package. Do one of the following:
To add...
Do this...
All the files in the list
Click All files.
Only files you select in the list
Click Selected Files, then press the CTRL key and click each file to include in the deployment set.
Note: The Select Files option is a link near the top of the right-hand pane.
Only files other than those you select in the list
Click All except selected files, then press the CTRL key and click each file to exclude from the deployment set.
All files in the list whose name contains a specified string
Click Files specified by filter, then type the string on which to match the files to include in the deployment set. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character (for example, *.java or *.class).
All files in the list whose name does not contain a specified string
Click All except files specified by filter, then type the string on which to match the files to exclude from the deployment set. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character (for example, *.java or *.class).
4. If a package of the same name as this partial package already exists on one of the deployment set's target Integration Server2s, and the existing package contains files to delete after deployment, type the fully qualified names of the files to delete in the Files to Delete from Target box. Type each file name on its own line, and end each line with a semicolon (;). For example:
5. Click Save.
6. Click Return to Packages. Deployer shows the partial package icon () for the package in the left-hand pane under the Packages folder and in the right-hand pane, and a gray check mark for the package in the right-hand pane.
7. If you are done adding packages to the deployment set, go to Setting Package Properties.

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