webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Setting the Properties for the Build | Uploading Composites and Descriptors to a Git repository
Uploading Composites and Descriptors to a Git repository
You can use Asset Build Environment to push composites and descriptors to a Git repository. Apart from providing the values to the properties in build.properties, specify the following additional properties to upload composites and descriptors to a Git repository.
Represents the local folder where the Git repository is cloned or the local Git repository. localStore is the Git local repository that is a parent of build.output.dir.
URL of the remote Git repository.
Optional. The branch in the Git repository where composites and descriptors will be pushed.
Required. Message which describes the commits.
Authentication username for the remote Git repository.
Authentication password for the remote Git repository.
File system path where your private key resides. Used if SSH protocol is passed.
File system path where your public key resides. Used if SSH protocol is passed.
Password of your private key. Used if SSH protocol is passed.
File system path of the known hosts. Used if SSH protocol is passed.
Run one of the following commands from the Software AG_directory\common\AssetBuildEnvironment\bin directory to build and upload the composites and descriptors to the remote Git repository:
For this platform...
Run the following command...
build.bat buildUploadAssets
build.sh buildUploadAssets
buildUploadAssets supports SSH and HTTPS. If HTTPS protocol is passed, HTTPS needs the username and password to be supplied. If SSH protocol is passed, SSH needs <pathToPrivateKey>, <pathToPublicKey>, <privateKeyPassword>, and <pathToKnownHosts>.

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