webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Overview
The build process for repository-based deployment involves the following basic stages:
Stage 1
Create the assets and export or copy them from the source development platform to the source directory.
Developers create the assets on the development environment and export or copy them to a file system or version control system (VCS) from which the build process can obtain them. This guide assumes that the assets have already been created. For more information about creating and exporting assets, see the documentation for the applicable webMethods runtime. For more information about adding assets to the source directory, see Adding Assets to the Source Directory.
Stage 2
Install the webMethods Asset Build Environment on the build machine.
The Asset Build Environment supplies the scripts and libraries necessary to build assets into composites that Deployer then deploys to target servers and groups. For more information about the Asset Build Environment, see Installing the Asset Build Environment. For information about installing the Asset Build Environment, see Installing Software AG Products.
Stage 3
Specify the parameters of the build.
Modify the build.properties file to define the parameters used by the master build script to build composites. For more information, see Setting the Properties for the Build.
Stage 4
Run the master build script.
You run the master build script to package your assets into composites for deployment. For more information, see Running the Build Script and Rebuilding the Index.
Note: If you are building a single BPM process project folder, follow the procedure described in Preparing the BPM Process Development Asset Deployment Environment.

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