Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Universal Messaging | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Using the Command Line to Manage Universal Messaging | Universal Messaging Instance Management
Universal Messaging Instance Management
Create Instances
Update Instances
Delete Instances
Migrate Instances
Create Instances
Creates an instance of a Universal Messaging realm server, Enterprise Manager, or Template Applications.
sagcc create instances nodeAlias
[instance.ip=ipAddress] [instance.port=portNumber] [instance.dataDir=directoryPath]
[license.file=filePath] [instance.config.profile={wM|TC|CUSTOM}]
[instance.config.file=filePath] [install.service={true|false}]
Arguments and Options
Required. The alias name of the installation in which you want to create a server instance.
Required. The product ID of the Universal Messaging realm server, Enterprise Manager, or Template Applications instance, respectively.
Required. The name of the new instance. The name of a Universal Messaging server instance can contain case-insensitive upper-case and lower-case alphabetic characters, digits (0-9), underscores, and non-leading hyphens.
You cannot rename a Universal Messaging instance.
Optional. The IP address of the Universal Messaging server interface. If you do not specify a value, the default value is
Optional. The port number of the Universal Messaging server. If you do not specify a value, the default value is 9000.
Optional. The absolute path to the Universal Messaging server data directory. If you do not specify a path, the default directory location is used: Software AG_directory \UniversalMessaging\server/\nstanceName
Optional. The absolute path to the Universal Messaging license file. If you do not specify a path, the default license is used, which is located in the Software AG_directory \UniversalMessaging\server\instanceName directory.
Optional. Initial configuration settings for the Universal Messaging server instance. Values are:
*wM - for webMethods suite use cases.
*TC - for standalone use cases.
*CUSTOM - for a custom configuration.
Required if the value of instance.config.profile is CUSTOM. The absolute path to the custom configuration XML file.
[install.service={true|false} ]
Optional. Whether a Windows service is registered for the server instance. The default is false.
Usage Notes
*If you register a Windows service for a new Universal Messaging server instance, the service is automatically deleted when you delete the server instance.
*Use the Universal Messaging Instance Manager tool to delete Enterprise Manager and Template Applications instances. You cannot use the Command Central command-line interface because such instances are not listed in the product inventory.
*To check if Universal Messaging supports instance management operations for the installation with alias name “sag01”:
sagcc list instances sag01 supportedproducts
*To create a new instance for an installed Universal Messaging server, with instance name “umserver” and default port number “9000”, in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMRealmServer
*To create a new instance for an installed Universal Messaging server, with instance name “umserver” and port number “9001”, and with a custom data directory path and license file, in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMRealmServer   
instance.port=9001 instance.dataDir=C:\UM\data
*To create a new instance for an installed Universal Messaging realm server, with instance name "umserver" and port number “9001”, in the installation with alias name “sag01”, and use "wM" initial configuration settings:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMRealmServer   
instance.port=9001 instance.config.profile=wM
*To create a new instance for an installed Universal Messaging server, with instance name "umserver" and port number “9001”, in the installation with alias name “sag01”, and use custom configuration settings:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMRealmServer   
instance.port=9001 instance.config.profile=CUSTOM
*To register a Windows service when creating the Universal Messaging server instance named “umserver” in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMRealmServer install.service=true
*To read the following properties of the Universal Messaging server instance named “umserver" in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
*Port number
*License path
*Interface IP address
*Server data directory path
*Service status
sagcc list instances sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
*To create an Enterprise Manager instance named “em1” in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMEnterpriseManager
*To create a Template Applications instance named “ta1” in the installation with alias name “sag01”:
sagcc create instances sag01 NUMTemplateApplications