Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Universal Messaging | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Using the Command Line to Manage Universal Messaging | Universal Messaging Instance Management | Migrate Instances
Migrate Instances
Ensure that the target Universal Messaging server has the migration utility installed. For information about the migration utility, see Upgrading Software AG Products.
You must run the commands in the context and order documented in Upgrading Software AG Products. Otherwise, you may experience unpredictable results, possibly including corruption of your installation and data.
*View the command line help for the migration utility using the sagcc list administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration help command.
*Migrate all Universal Messaging server instances present in a source installation using the sagcc exec administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration migrate srcDir=SAG_Installation_directory command.
Use this command when migrating from Universal Messaging server version 9.8 and later.
*Start migration by providing the source Universal Messaging instance name using the sagcc exec administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration migrate srcDir=SAG_Installation_directory instanceName=instance_name[,instance_name,instance_name...] command .
Use this command when migrating from Universal Messaging server version 9.8 and later.
*Start migration by passing arguments and using the migrate.dat file using the sagcc exec administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration migrate srcDir=SAG_Installation_directory importFile=migrate.dat command.
Use this command when migrating from Universal Messaging server 9.0 through 9.7. The argument silent is set to true and continueOnError is set to false by default.
*Start migration using the zip file from the old product installation using the sagcc exec administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration migrate importFile=migrate.dat command.
*Start migration using the zip file from the old product installation and specifying the source Universal Messaging instance name using the sagcc exec administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration migrate instanceName=instance_name[,instance_name,instance_name...] command.
*View APIs under the migration namespace using the sagcc list administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer migration command.
*View if Universal Messaging supports migration as a custom API using the sagcc list administration product node_alias NUMRealmServer command.
*To view the command line help:
sagcc list administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer migration help
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. Help is the command to view the migration tool's command line help.
*To migrate all Universal Messaging server instances present in a source installation:
sagcc exec administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer
migration migrate srcDir=C:\SoftwareAG
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. migrate is the command to access the migration tool. scrDir is the source Software AG installation directory.
*To start migrating an older server instance to a new NUMRealmServer server instance by providing the source instance name:
sagcc exec administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer
migration migrate srcDir=C:\SoftwareAG
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. migrate is the command to access the migration tool. scrDir is the source Software AG installation directory. instanceName contains the comma-separated names of the Universal Messaging instances that will be migrated.
*To start migrating an older server instance to a new NUMRealmServer server instance using the migrate.dat file:
sagcc exec administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer
migration migrate srcDir=C:\SoftwareAG
silent=true importFile=migrate.dat
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. migrate is the command to access the migration tool. scrDir is the source Software AG installation directory. importFile specifies the data file containing the migration settings.
*To start migration using the zip file from the old product installation:
sagcc exec administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer
migration migrate importFile=migrate.dat
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. migrate is the command to access the migration tool. scrFile argument is used to provide the name of the zip file from the source Universal Messaging instance. importFile specifies the archive file path containing migration settings.
*To view APIs under the migration namespace for the NUMRealmServer server instance:
sagcc list administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer migration
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running.
*To view if Universal Messaging supports migration as a custom API:
sagcc list administration product sag01 NUMRealmServer
where sag01 is the alias name of the installation where NUMRealmServer server instance is running.