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Setting Properties to Build for an iOS Device
To make AppStore, AdHoc, or Dev builds, you must provide an appropriate provisioning profile. The following properties must be specified in your _defaults_.xml for the different builds:
<property name="ios.provisioning.profile.appstore"
*Enterprise (Select AppStore in the Multi Build dialog.)
<property name="ios.provisioning.profile.appstore"
<property name="ios.appstore.method" value="enterprise"/>
<property name="ios.provisioning.profile.adhoc"
<property name="ios.provisioning.profile.appstore"
You can either specify the path to the provisioning profile, or you can specify the name, ID, or AppID of the provisioning profile. In the latter case, the search pattern you specified is applied to all provisioning profiles installed on your machine. For a successful build, exactly one match should be found.
You can check your search pattern using an Ant task. The following example shows an ID search pattern:
ant check -Dpprofile=4dc3a740-b922-4fe2-8529-595eecddb6bc
If a provisioning profile with this ID exists, the returned code looks similar to the following example:
[checkFeature] Searching for provisioning profiles in /Users/your_user_name/
Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
[checkFeature] Path : /Users/your_user_name/Library/MobileDevice/
Provisioning Profiles/4dc3a740-b922-4fe2-8529-595eecddb6bc.mobileprovision
[checkFeature] AppID : U6GS52HNZ5.com.softwareag.mobile.nativeuidemonew
[checkFeature] ID : 4dc3a740-b922-4fe2-8529-595eecddb6bc
[checkFeature] Name : nativeuidemonew.adhoc.profile
[checkFeature] Method : ad-hoc
[checkFeature] Expires on : 2019-03-02T09:38:20Z
[checkFeature] Identity : iPhone Distribution: Software AG
To perform a build, the signing identity must be installed on your system. If it is not installed yet, follow the instructions as described in Importing the Signing Environment from Another Macintosh or Creating a New Signing Environment.
Alternatively, if you use Xcode 8 and later, you can use the auto signing feature of Xcode by defining the following properties:
<property name="ios.xcode.managed.signing" value="true"/>
<property name="ios.xcode.managed.signing.team.uid" value="your_team_id"/>
For the team ID, see https://developer.apple.com/account/#/membership.

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