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Importing the Signing Environment from Another Macintosh
To use your existing signing setup on another Macintosh, you export signing information from an existing Macintosh and copy it to the Macintosh where you want to develop iOS applications with Mobile Designer.
* To import an existing signing environment to another machine
1. On the Macintosh with signing environment you want to use, start the Keychain Access application, which is in the Applications/Utilities folder.
2. In the Keychain Access application, in the Keychains panel, ensure that login is selected.
3. In the Category panel, select Certificates.
4. Make a note of the following information:
*Full name of your iPhone Developer certificate. The full name is typically:
iPhone Developer: Firstname Lastname
*Full name of your iPhone Distribution certificate. The full name is typically:
iPhone Distribution: CompanyName
5. Export the private key associated with the developer certificate:
a. In the Category panel, select Keys.
b. Select the private key that is associated with the developer certificate. Select File > Export Items.
c. When prompted, create a password for exporting. You will need to supply this password when importing the private key to the target Macintosh.
Important: Do not use the password you use to login to your Macintosh.
d. When saving the private key, be sure to save in Personal Information Exchange (p12) format.
Important: You should keep a backup copy of your private key by copying the key to removable media and storing it somewhere safe. If you lose your private key, for example, due to a hardware failure, you will not be able to deploy applications. This is particularly important when you want to update old versions of an application submitted to the App Store. Apple does not keep information about your private key.
6. Move the exported p12 key file to the Macintosh where you want to develop iOS applications with Mobile Designer.
a. Copy the p12 key file to the target Macintosh and save in any location.
b. Double-click the p12 key file to begin the key import process.
c. When prompted for a password, supply the password you created when exporting the private key.
The private key and required certificates are imported into the target Macintosh
7. Download the appropriate .mobileprovision files for ad-hoc and distribution from the developer portal, https://developer.apple.com/ios/manage/provisioningprofiles/index.action, or copy the. mobileprovision files from your existing environment to an appropriate location from the target Macintosh.

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