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Before You Can Build a Mobile Application Project
Setting Properties to Build for an iOS Device
Setting Properties to Build for an Android Device
Before you build your mobile application project, be sure you have completed the following tasks:
*Perform platform-specific setup on your machine
You must have the proper setup for the target platform(s). The setup requires that you have items such as compilers and SDK installed on your machine. For example, if you want to build an Android application, you must have the Android SDK installed on your machine.
In addition to installing platform-specific tools, you must also set properties in the Mobile Designer sdk.properties file to indicate where the SDKs, compilers, and other tools are located.
For information about how to set up your platform, see Setting Up Platforms.
*Set required project properties
Mobile Designer requires that you set some project properties for your project. For example, you must set the project.runtime.project.src.path property to specify the location of your project’s run-time code. For a list of the required project properties, see Setting Project Properties.
For information about iOS-specific settings, see Setting Properties to Build for an iOS Device.
For information about Android-specific settings, see Setting Properties to Build for an Android Device.

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