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Setting Properties to Build for an Android Device
An optional property file can be provided to sign for an Android device. If it exists, it should point to a text file stored under project_root/android_signing.properties that contains the following four properties in standard key=value Java properties format (see the format used for sdk.properties). This file can be kept out of source control to protect passwords and keyfiles.
*android.release.keystore.file Location of the keystore file. It can either be relative or absolute to the project's root directory. Use "/" for path separators, even on Windows. This file can be kept out of source control to protect passwords and keyfiles.
*android.release.keystore.password Passphrase used to unlock the keystore.
*android.release.key.alias Alias of the key for signing this build.
*android.release.key.password Password used with this key alias.

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