CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Run-Time Policy Management | Managing Run-Time Policies through CentraSite Business UI | Scope of a Run-Time Policy
Scope of a Run-Time Policy
System-wide and Organization-specific Policy Enforcement
Modifying Scope of a Run-Time Policy
Refining the Policy Scope
Scope refers to the set of properties that determine when a policy is enforced. For a run-time policy, scope is determined by the policy's Organization, Applicable Virtual Types, Published APIs and Gateways properties, which are described below.
Determines whether the policy belongs to a specific organization or is system-wide.
You cannot change the value of the Apply Policy to Organization property if the policy is system-wide.
Applicable Virtual Types
The list of virtual types to which this policy applies.
*Virtual Service
*Virtual REST Service
*Virtual ODATA Service
*Virtual XML Service
You can optionally restrict a policy to specific instances of the selected virtual types by specifying additional filter criteria.
Applicable Gateways
The list of gateways to which the policy applies.
*API Gateway
*Insight Server