CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Run-Time Policy Management | Managing Run-Time Policies through CentraSite Business UI | Scope of a Run-Time Policy | Modifying Scope of a Run-Time Policy
Modifying Scope of a Run-Time Policy
To modify the scope of a run-time policy in CentraSite, you must have one of the following permissions:
*To modify the scope of a organization-specific policy, you must have the Manage Run-Time Policies permission for the organization specified in the scope of the original policy. For example, if the original policy is scoped for organization ABC, you are not permitted to modify the scope of that policy unless you have permission to manage run-time policies for organization ABC.
*To modify the scope of a system-wide policy, you must have the Manage System-Wide Run-Time Policies permission.
You use the Apply policy to all organizations property on the Run-Time Policy Details page to specify a policy's scope.
After a policy has been created, its Apply policy to all organizations property cannot be changed.
*To modify the scope of a run-time policy
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Governance Rules.
2. To filter the list to see just a list of the available policies, do the following:
a. Go to the advanced search panel.
b. In the Narrow Your Results section, do the following:
a. Locate Applicable Scopes.
b. Choose Runtime Policy from the drop-down list.
c. Click the plus button next to the drop-down box or press Enter to add the scope Runtime Policy to the search recipe.
CentraSite displays the list of runtime policies that are available to you in the Search Results page.
3. Select the policy whose scope you want to modify.
This opens the Run-Time Policy Details page.
4. If the policy is active, deactivate it.
You cannot modify the scope of an active policy.
5. On the Run-Time Policy Details page, do the following:
*Enable the Apply policy to all organizations property if the policy applies to all organizations. Else, in the Apply Policy to Organization property, select the organization to which the policy applies.
*In the Applicable Types lists, select the virtual types to which the policy applies.
*Optional. In the Filter Criteria section, specify additional selection criteria to narrow the set of objects to which this policy is applied.
*In the Available Gateways lists, select the gateways to which the policy is applied.
6. Click Save to save the updated policy.
7. When you are ready to put the policy into effect, activate and publish the policy.