CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Run-Time Policy Management | Managing Run-Time Policies through CentraSite Business UI | Scope of a Run-Time Policy | Refining the Policy Scope
Refining the Policy Scope
To further restrict the set of virtual APIs to which the policy is applied, you can specify additional selection criteria in the Filter criteria section of the Run-Time Policy Details page. Using this section, you can filter objects by Name, Description, and Classification attributes. If you specify no filter criteria, the policy applies to all virtual APIs.
*Filtering by Name and Description
You can filter policies based on their Name and Description attributes using any of the following comparison operators:
Comparison Operator
Selects APIs whose Name or Description value matches a given string of characters. For example, you would use this operator if you wanted to apply a policy only to APIs with the Name or Description value Mobile App Store.
Selects APIs whose Name or Description value includes a given string of characters anywhere within the property's value. For example, you would use this operator if you wanted to apply a policy to APIs that had the word Mobile anywhere in their Name or Description property.
Selects APIs whose Name or Description value begins with a given string. For example, you would use this operator if you wanted to apply a policy only to APIs whose Name or Description begins with the characters Mobile.
When specifying match strings for the comparison operators described above, keep the following points in mind:
*Match strings are not case-sensitive. If you define a filter for names that start with ABC it selects names starting abc and Abc.
*Wildcard characters are not supported. That is, you cannot use characters such as * or % to represent any sequence of characters. These characters, if present in the match string, are simply treated as literal characters that are to be matched.
*Filtering by Classification Attribute
You can also filter APIs based on the way in which they are classified. When you filter APIs in this way, CentraSite applies the policy to APIs that have at least one classification attribute whose value matches a specified taxonomy category. For example, you could use a classification filter to apply a policy to those APIs that are classified with Production sandbox.
When you filter APIs by classification, CentraSite inspects all of an APIs classification attributes. If any of those attributes contain the exact category specified by the selection criteria, the API is listed in Run-Time Policy Details (Step 3 of 3) of the policy.
To satisfy the selection criteria, the attribute value in the API must match the category specified in the selection criteria exactly. Sub-categories of the specified category are not considered to be matches. For example, say you have a taxonomy category called Project ABC, and that category has the subcategories Project ABC Design, Project ABC Development, and Project ABC Deployment. If you filter for category Project ABC, CentraSite applies the policy to objects that are classified by the specific category Project ABC, but not objects that are classified by that category's sub-categories.
You can refine the policy scope by specifying additional criteria for selecting APIs to which you want the policy applied.
*To refine the scope of a run-time policy
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Governance Rules.
2. To filter the list to see just a list of the available policies, do the following:
a. Go to the advanced search panel.
b. In the Narrow Your Results section, do the following:
a. Locate Applicable Scopes.
b. Choose Runtime Policy from the drop-down list.
c. Click the plus button next to the drop-down box or press Enter to add the scope Runtime Policy to the search recipe.
CentraSite displays the list of runtime policies that are available to you in the Search Results for Governance Rules page.
3. Select the policy whose scope you want to refine.
This opens the Run-Time Policy Details page.
4. In Run-Time Policy Details (Step 1 of 3), locate the Filter Criteria section.
5. If you want to filter by Name or Description, do the following:
a. Select Name or Description in the first field.
b. Select the comparison operator (for example, Equals, Contains, StartsWith) in the second field.
c. Specify the match string in the third field.
6. If you want to filter by the asset's classification attribute, do the following:
a. Select Classification in the first field.
b. Click Browse and select the category by which you want to filter APIs.
7. If you want to specify additional criteria, click the plus button and repeat steps 4 and 5.
If you specify multiple filters, the policy is applied only if the API matches all the selection criteria (that is, the selection criteria is combined using an AND operator, not an OR).
This displays the list of services in the Run-Time Policy Details (Step 3 of 3) page.