ebXML Module 7.1 SP1 | Understanding and Using webMethods EBXML Module | Installing and Using ebxml Module | Working with ebXML Messages | Sending ebXML Messages | ebXML Module Send Services
ebXML Module Send Services
The ebXML Module provides five send services and one route service in the wm.ip.ebxml.MSH folder.
This service sends a signed/unsigned acknowledgment for a received ebXML message. For more information about the parameters of this service, see wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendAck.
A back-end system sends a document and Trading Networks recognizes it using a TN document type that defines the structure of the back-end system document. To process the back-end system document, the user can set up the processing rule that uses the Execute a Service action. In the Execute a Service action, the service can invoke this sendBizDoc service specifying a TPA to use for the ebXML parameters. The sendBizDoc service gets the BizDocEnvelope for the back-end system document, wraps it with an ebXML envelope, and then transports it to the trading partner as the TPA specifies. For more information about the parameters of this service, see wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendBizDoc.
wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendError Msg
This service sends an ebXML Error Message for a received ebXML message. For information about the parameters of this service, see wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendErrorMsg.
This service sends an ebXML Receipt for a received ebXML message. This service is only applicable to the ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification. For more information about the parameters of this service, see wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendReceipt.
This service provides the send service you should use for transmitting a business document to a trading partner using the ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification or the ebXML Message Service Version 2.0 Specification.
For example, to use the sendUsingTPA service, to send an XML purchase order to the Seller Inc. partner, perform the following steps (example values are shown):
1. Create a TPA manually or import an existing CPA. For more information about creating a TPA manually, see Manually Creating a TPA
2. Create a java.io.InputStream element from the XML purchase order and pass it the parameter Payloads:stream. Set the parameter Payloads:partID to a value that maps to one of the SimplePart IDs in the TPA.
3. Specify values for required To, From, and CPAId input parameters to the service. These values set the values for the MessageHeader elements To, From, and CPAId for the outbound message. ebXML Module also uses these values to identify the TPA required to populate the other values in the message.
4. Optionally, specify a value for the ConversationId, MessageId, service, and action input parameters..
For more information about the parameters of the sendUsingTPA service, see wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendUsingTPA
The wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:routeUsingTPA service sends/routes an ebXML message through an intermediary node. You have to modify the TPA to include the routing information that comprises the list of intermediary nodes. This service does not contain packaging information for the payloads, and is therefore easier to manage. The TPA contains the packaging information. It is recommended that you use this service for routing. For more information about the parameters of this service, see wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:routeUsingTPA.
For ebXML messages that do not contain multiple parts, that is, the Ping and Pong messages, ebXML Module uses the non-multipart MIME structure. For information about the non-multipart MIME structure, see the ebXML Message Service Version1.0 Specification and ebXML Message Service Version2.0 Specification.