ebXML Module 7.1 SP1 | Understanding and Using webMethods EBXML Module | Installing and Using ebxml Module | Built-In Services | MSH Folder (wm.ip.ebxml.MSH) | wm.ip.ebxml.MSH:sendAck
Sends an acknowledgment for a given BizDocEnvelope.
Input Parameters
Object The BizDocEnvelope object that contains an ebXML message.
String (Optional) Specify signed for a signed acknowledgment and Unsigned for an unsigned acknowledgment.
String (Optional) In a multi-hop scenario, indicates forwarding of the message acknowledgment to the specified MSH. Specify one of the following:
*Select nextMSH to send the acknowledgment to the MSH of the next party in the routing.
*Select toPartyMSH to send the acknowledgment to the MSH of the sending party of the original message.
For more information about using this parameter, see the following section.
Output Parameters
String The message ID for the ebXML message.
Document Error information.
String The ebXML error code.
String The error severity. It can have two values, either Error or Warning.
String The XPATH of the error location.
String The error message.
String The context of the error message.
Usage Notes
*Sending message acknowledgments to the sending MSH. Consider using the actor parameter in a multi-hop scenario where a receiver MSH can acknowledge the receipt of a message to the previous MSH or to the original sender MSH. To send an acknowledgment to the previous MSH, set the actor parameter to nextMSH. To send an acknowledgment to the original sender MSH, set the actor parameter to toPartyMSH.