Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Using Command Central to Manage Adapter for SAP | Working with Adapter for SAP Configuration Types
Working with Adapter for SAP Configuration Types
Command Central supports the Integration Server version 10.4 and later, to edit the configuration for Adapter for SAP 10.1.
Perform the following procedure to add, edit, view, or delete items for Adapter for SAP configuration type items over Command Central.
*To create, edit, view, or delete an item for an Adapter for SAP configuration type
1. Select the Integration Server environment from the Environment pane, then click the webMethods Adapter for SAP from the Instances tab.
2. Click Configuration tab
3. Command Central displays the following screens from the drop- down for Adapter for SAP configuration type:
4. To create a Connection, Listener, Routing/Mapping, and SAP User for Adapter for SAPconfiguration type, click . Enter the required values in the displayed fields and click Save.
For ADAPTER-ROUTING-MAPPING configuration, click to display the list of the Routing/Mapping types available. The types are as follows:
Routing/Mapping type
Auto-populated fields
The fields you configure...
ALE Routing Info Default
Service type
For Document type
Message type
Service name
ALE Routing Info
Service type
For Document type
Message type
Service name
ALE Mapping Info Default
Service type
For Document type
Message type
Service name
ALE Mapping Info
Service type
For Document type
Message type
Service name
XML Routing Info
Service type
For Document type
Message type
Service name
By default, the Active field contains the Yes radio button enabled.
For more information about the usage and field descriptions of the Adapter for SAP configuration types, see the following:
* Adapter Connections
* Listener Notifications
* Listeners
* Routing Messages Through Adapter for SAP
* Managing SAP User Store
* General Adapter for SAP Settings
5. To edit any configuration, click the corresponding configuration that you want to update and click Edit. Make the necessary changes and click one of the following:
*Test to validate only the field level values.
*Save to save your changes.
*Cancel to cancel the edits to the configuration.
*To enable the connection, select the Yes radio button in the Enabled field of the Connection State section. By default, No radio button is selected.
*Before you edit the fields in ADAPTER-LISTENERS, the listener have to be in the Disabled state
*In the Notification Order Details section, the Edit Notification Order is disabled, by default. To enable it, click on Yes radio button.
*The Notification Order field can be re-ordered manually. But, you cannot modify the existing listening notifications.
*If you do not have any listener notification, then you cannot edit the field.
6. To view configuration details, click the respective configuration.
7. To delete a configuration, select the configuration that you want to delete and click .