Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Configuration | General Adapter for SAP Settings
General Adapter for SAP Settings
For the general settings of Adapter for SAP, you can use Integration Server Administrator.
*To change the general settings
1. In the Adapters menu in Integration Server Administrator navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. Click Settings.
3. You can edit the following:
Timeout (minutes)
Delay (minutes) until an unused repository connection to an SAP system is timed out (default: 5).
Timeout check period (seconds)
Time interval in seconds between checks whether unused pooled repository connections have timed out.
Sessionpool size
Maximal number of repository connections in one RFC connection pool to one SAP system (default: 10).
Poolqueue waiting time (seconds)
Delay (seconds) until requests waiting for a repository connection from a pool time out in the queue.
Check time (minutes)
Time interval (minutes) between checks of the listener. It is checked whether the RFC Handle is still valid. If the Gateway is running, any inactive Listener is restarted at the latest after this interval.
Response time (seconds)
Delay (seconds) until a listener responds at the latest to an incoming request.
Default XRFC version
Version of RFC-XML sent. Valid versions: 0.9 and 1.0 (default).
SNC library path
Path of the SNC library needed for secure RFC connections.
Log Throughput data
Flag to decide whether to write basic throughput information to log. Valid values: "On" and "Off" (default).
Use Monitor
Flag to decide whether performance monitoring should be used. Valid values: "On" and "Off" (default).