Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Notifications | Listener Notifications
Listener Notifications
Before You Configure Listener Notifications
Dependencies for Listener Notifications
Configuring Listener Notifications
Enabling Listener Notifications
Testing Listener Notifications
Testing Publishable Document Types
Viewing Listener Notifications
Editing Listener Notifications
Deleting Listener Notifications
Disabling Listener Notifications
The following sections provide instructions for configuring and managing Adapter for SAP listener notifications. Adapter for SAP has the following types of listener notifications that you can configure:
*RFC listener notifications (synchronous)
*RFC listener notifications (asynchronous)
*ALE listener notifications (synchronous)
*ALE listener notifications (asynchronous)
For more information on how listener notifications work, see Adapter Listeners and Listener Notifications.