Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Services | Creating an Adapter Service that Executes an RFC
Creating an Adapter Service that Executes an RFC
Creating an RFC Adapter Service
Testing the RFC Adapter Service
Posting an RFC-XML Document from an HTTP Client
To create an adapter service that executes an RFC, select the RFC Adapter Service template. This feature allows the function module to be exposed as a standard service. After you create the adapter service, business partners interested in calling this service can incorporate it into their client code.
Calling a BAPI according to its definition in the BOR is currently not possible as an adapter service. In this case, use the BAPI transport.
Adapter for SAP outbound call is an inbound call from the SAP system's point of view.