Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Services | Creating an Adapter Service that Executes an RFC | Terminology
To use Adapter for SAP successfully, you should understand the following terms and concepts:
Output parameters of a function module. Output parameters are simple values or structures.
Function Signature
Specifications of the import, export, and table parameters of an function module. Also known as a function interface.
Input parameter to an RFC. Input parameters are simple values (such as string or number) or structures.
RFC Adapter Service
Adapter for SAP terminology for an association between a function module on an SAP system and an adapter service based on the RFC Adapter Service template on Adapter for SAP.
SAP data structure containing one or more fields. This can be thought of as a single row of a table.
SAP data structure that is both an import and export to a function. Tables can be created and passed to an RFC. The function module can modify these tables and return them. The tables themselves are no different from relational database tables; they consist of a series of fields and rows of data for these fields.