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Testing the RFC Adapter Service
Use the following procedure to test the RFC adapter service you just created.
*To test an RFC adapter service for a function module
1. In Designer , open the RFC adapter service you previously created.
On the Function Search tab, you will see value RFC_FUNCTION_SEARCH in the Function Name field.
2. On the toolbar, click Run.
3. Enter RFC_* into field FUNCNAME to specify input. Click OK.
The results of RFC_FUNCTION_SEARCH will be displayed in the FUNCTIONS table on the Results page of Designer.
After you create an RFC adapter service that executes a function module, you can create other services and clients that invoke the service.
If the execution of the RFC adapter service requires additional access rights or if the adapter service should be executed with a specific SAP user account, you can override the SAP default user and provide the user name and password of a different SAP user account as parameter $user and $pass in the pipeline. These parameters must be set in the pipeline before the adapter service is invoked.
If an optional table is not passed to an RFC adapter service, no values will be returned for that table. To ensure that the optional table gets returned from the SAP system, in your calling service you need to ensure that a value is set at the input signature of the RFC adapter service you want to call. For example, you call an adapter service named TCC_MSS_GET_ERRORLOG from a wrapper flow service. This adapter service contains an optional table called LOGLIST. To pass this table, click Set Value for this parameter.
If the empty table should only be the default value, unselect Overwrite Pipeline Value. With these setting, the optional table is always returned.