Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter | Adapter Services
Adapter Services
Using Adapter Services
Using a Connection from the Connection Pool Within a Java or Flow Service
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service or Notification at Design Time
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service at Run Time
Changing the User Credentials of a Service's Associated Connection at Run Time
Adapter Service Transaction Processing
To use Adapter for JDBC, you create adapter services. Adapter services allow you to connect to the adapter's resource and initiate an operation on the resource from Integration Server.
You call adapter services from flow or Java services to interact with database tables. The adapter services perform database operations by calling JDBC APIs. Integration Server then uses adapter connections that you defined earlier to execute the adapter services. For details, see Adapter Service Transaction Processing.
Adapter services are based on templates provided with Adapter for JDBC. Each template represents a specific technique for doing work on a resource, such as using the SelectSQL template to retrieve specified information from a database.
An adapter service template contains all the code necessary for interacting with the resource but without the data specifications. You provide these specifications when you create a new adapter service.
Creating a new service from an adapter service template is straightforward. Using Software AG Designer, you assign the service a default adapter connection.
After you select the connection for the adapter service, you select the adapter service template and supply the data specifications using Designer. Some familiarity with using Designer is required. For more information, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Adapter for JDBC provides the following adapter service templates:
Adapter Service Type
Adapter Service Template
Select SQL
Retrieves specified information from a database table and includes a mapping for an output field that stores the number of rows retrieved.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring SelectSQL Services.
Insert SQL
Inserts new information into a database table.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring InsertSQL Services.
Update SQL
Updates the existing information in a database table and includes a mapping for an output field that stores the number of affected rows.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring UpdateSQL Services.
Batch Insert SQL
Inserts new information into a database table. Use this service when you will be inserting a large volume of data into a single table. The data source for the service can be from a flat file or from other services that generate an Integration Server document list.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring BatchInsertSQL Services.
Batch Update SQL
Updates information in a database table when dealing with a large volume of data. Use this service when you will be updating a large volume of data in a single table. The data source for the service can be from a flat file or from other services that generate an Integration Server document list.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring BatchUpdateSQL Services.
Delete SQL
Deletes rows from a table and includes a mapping for an output field that stores the number of affected rows.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring DeleteSQL Services.
Custom SQL
Defines and executes custom SQL to perform database operations. You can execute almost any SQL statement required by integrations, such as data management statements.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring CustomSQL Services.
Dynamic SQL
Defines and executes a SQL statement, part of which you set at run time through the input field.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring DynamicSQL Services.
Stored Procedure
Calls a stored procedure to perform database operations.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring StoredProcedure Services.
Stored Procedure with signature
Calls a stored procedure to perform database operations. Obtains the stored procedure's parameters by introspecting and listing the signature of the stored procedure at the time you configure the adapter service.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring StoredProcedureWithSignature Services.
Execute Service
Executes a Java or flow service using a JDBC connection object from the Adapter for JDBC connection pool. For more information see Using a Connection from the Connection Pool Within a Java or Flow Service.
For instructions about configuring the service, see Configuring ExecuteService Services.