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Configuring ExecuteService Services
Considerations When Creating a Java or Flow Service that Uses a Connection from the Connection Pool
An ExecuteService allows a Java or a flow service to use a connection from the adapter's connection pool. You can configure the ExecuteService using Designer. For more information on how a service can use a connection, see Using a Connection from the Connection Pool Within a Java or Flow Service.
*To configure an ExecuteService service
1. In Designer, right-click the package in which the service should be contained and select New > Adapter Service.
2. Select the parent namespace, type a name for the adapter service, and click Next.
3. Select Adapter for JDBC as the adapter type and click Next.
4. Select the appropriate Adapter Connection Name and click Next.
5. From the list of available templates, select the ExecuteService template and click Finish.
The adapter service editor for the adapter service appears. You can select the Adapter Settings tab at any time to confirm the adapter service properties such as the Adapter Name, Adapter Connection Name, and Adapter Service Template, as necessary.
6. Select the Service to Invoke tab to specify the Java or the flow service name that needs the connection:
Service Name
The Java or the flow service name that requires a connection from the connection pool. If you specify an incorrect service name, an exception is thrown at run time.
7. From the File menu, select Save.