Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter | Adapter Notifications
Adapter Notifications
Choice of Publish Destinations
Adapter Notification Templates
Exactly Once Notification Feature
Notification Types
Basic Notifications
Stored Procedure Notifications
Ordered Notifications
Polling Notification Support in Clusters
Polling Notifications and States
An adapter notification monitors a specified database table for changes, such as an insert, update, or delete operation, so that the appropriate Java or flow services can make use of the data, such as sending an invoice or publishing it to Integration Server.
Adapter for JDBC notifications are polling-based. That is, Integration Server will invoke the notification periodically based on the polling interval that you specify when you schedule the notification as described in Managing Polling Notifications.
Software AG recommends using the same polling notification on multiple Integration Server instances only in an Integration Server cluster. For more information about using polling notifications in a cluster, see Polling Notification Support in Clusters.
Adapter notifications vary somewhat in how they work, depending on the type of the adapter notification. Be sure to review Notification Types to understand how their operations differ.