Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter | Adapter Notifications | Basic Notifications
Basic Notifications
Using Basic Notifications
Basic Notifications Transaction Processing
In contrast with Insert Notifications, Update Notifications, and Delete Notifications, Basic Notifications require that you define a buffer table, and a database trigger or other means of monitoring database changes so that changes are written into the buffer table.
To monitor database changes, a Basic Notification queries the buffer table. Basic Notifications provide you with the flexibility to manage buffer tables, such as a table with user privileges, and to tailor your own database monitoring methods for producing notification data. By default, after the data is retrieved and processed, it is deleted from the buffer table to ensure that the data is not processed multiple times. If you do not want to delete the data from the buffer table, and you also do not want the adapter to publish the data more than once, you can mark the processed data as published. The notification then only processes the data that is not published. To use this option, you need to:
1. Add a column of CHAR(1) data type with any name in the database table that you are trying to use. This column is required to hold the status of the data, that is, whether the data is processed or not processed.
2. While configuring the Basic Notification, select the newly added column in the Mark ID Column, see step 1. For instructions about configuring the Basic Notification, see Configuring BasicNotifications.
For more information about how Basic Notifications work, see Basic Notifications Transaction Processing.