Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Notifications | Managing Polling Notifications
Managing Polling Notifications
You must schedule a notification and then enable it before you can use the notification. Use Integration Server Administrator along with the following procedures to do so.
You must have Integration Server Administrator privileges to access Adapter for JDBC's administrative screens. For information about setting user privileges, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.
*To manage polling notifications
1. Start Integration Server Administrator.
2. From the Adapters menu in the navigation area of Integration Server Administrator, select Adapter for JDBC.
3. From the navigation area, select Polling Notifications.
4. From the Adapter for JDBCPolling Notifications table, use the fields in the following table to manage each adapter notification:
For AS/400 DB2 V4R5 using a jt400.jar file, the table name for the notification cannot exceed 10 characters. If the table name exceeds 10 characters, an exception will be generated when you try to enable the notification.
If you use an XA-Transaction connection, you cannot enable a notification.
Notification Name
The name of the notification.
Package Name
The name of the package for the notification.
After you schedule a polling notification, you can use this option's dropdown list to set the polling notification's state:
You must schedule a polling notification before you can enable it. To schedule a polling notification, use the icon described in these procedures.
*Enabled: The polling notification performs as scheduled.
*Suspended: The polling notification is removed from the scheduler but the database trigger and buffer table are not dropped.
*Disabled: The polling notification is removed from the scheduler and the database trigger and buffer table are dropped.
The Suspend all enabled and Enable all suspended links help you change states quickly for multiple polling notifications. Enabling, suspending, and disabling a notification affects how its trigger and buffer tables are created and dropped. For details, see Polling Notifications and States. If there is no polling notification scheduled for a given adapter notification, control for this field is disabled. Use the icon to schedule a polling notification.
Edit Schedule
Click the icon to create or modify polling notification parameters.
You must disable a polling notification before you can edit it.
View Schedule
Click on the View Schedule icon to review the parameters for the selected polling notification. Click Return toAdapter for JDBCNotifications to go back to the main polling notification page.
Run As User
Click to assign a user to a polling notification. By default, Run As User is set to Administrator. You can now configure the Run as User in the Integration Server Administrator to assign a user to a polling notification.
5. To create or modify schedule parameters for the selected adapter notification, click on the icon and use the following fields:
Interval (seconds)
Type the polling interval time in seconds.
Do not use this option; otherwise, when you enable this notification, it may lock up tables and cause Integration Server to fail.
Enable this option to start polling immediately.
6. Click Save Schedule.
7. After you create a polling notification, you can enable it. Use the State field to enable a polling notification.