Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Polling Notifications | Polling Notification Implementation
Polling Notification Implementation
Defining a WmPollingNotification Implementation Class
Updating the fillAdapterTypeInfo Method
Updating the Resource Bundle
Specifying Configuration Metadata for Polling Notifications
Implementing Configuration Resource Domains for Polling Notifications
Specifying Notification Signatures (Document Type)
Manipulating Adapter Notification Document Properties
Implementing Signature Resource Domains
Implementing the runNotification Method and Callbacks
Configuring and Testing Polling Notification Nodes
Example Polling Notification: SimpleNotification
The tasks for implementing a polling notification are as follows:
* Defining a WmPollingNotification Implementation Class.
* Updating the fillAdapterTypeInfo Method.
* Updating the Resource Bundle.
* Specifying Configuration Metadata for Polling Notifications.
* Implementing Configuration Resource Domains for Polling Notifications.
* Specifying Notification Signatures (Document Type).
* Implementing Signature Resource Domains.
* Implementing the runNotification Method and Callbacks.
* Configuring and Testing Polling Notification Nodes.
The example polling notification implementation shown in Example Polling Notification: SimpleNotification monitors the contents of a directory and sends notifications when files are added to, or removed from, the directory. Although this example is very simple, it demonstrates most of the notification capabilities, except for callbacks.
This example implements a design strategy that enables you to encapsulate the resource domain support inside an adapter service or notification. This strategy is discussed in An Alternative Approach to Organizing Resource Domains. You do not need to fully understand this strategy to understand the example code. However, if you are uncomfortable with this strategy, you may implement those methods in your connection implementation. You will have to adjust the method signatures and the "this" references appropriately. The "this" reference refers to the notification. If you move the methods to the connection, then the "this" refers to the connection.