Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Polling Notifications | Polling Notification Implementation | Specifying Notification Signatures (Document Type)
Specifying Notification Signatures (Document Type)
After you implement the configuration logic for the polling notification, you implement logic that defines the signature of the polling notification node. Remember that a polling notification only has an output signature. It is used to create a document type node that enables triggers to identify notification data in the node. To define an output signature, you create additional metadata parameters as follows:
Used with the reserved signature resource domain.
fieldName and fieldType
The dependency parameters in which you build the signature data. The relationship between these parameters is established in the WmTemplateDescriptor (as shown in Example Polling Notification: SimpleNotification, lines 117-130). For more information about the mechanics of signature construction, see Adapter Service Node Signatures.