Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Polling Notifications | Polling Notification Implementation | Manipulating Adapter Notification Document Properties
Manipulating Adapter Notification Document Properties
With few exceptions, the document properties for an adapter's polling and listener notifications are managed and manipulated the same way as they are for an adapter service's signature. For the three template-based features (signature wrapping, override connection name, and pass full pipeline), only the pass full pipeline feature applies to notification documents, and then, only for synchronous notifications. When the pass full pipeline option is enabled for a synchronous listener notification, then the notification will be able to pass fields to the invoked service that are not defined in its request document, and receive fields from that service that are not defined in the notification's reply document. Template-based signature manipulation features have no other effect on notification documents.
Document field properties are managed in exactly the same way as the signature field properties described above. In the case of notifications, the setSignatureProperties() method is called setDocumentProperties(). For asynchronous notifications, there is only one PipelineRecordProperties argument.