Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 4: Adding Polling Notifications | Implementing the Polling Notification Template | Implementing the runNotification Method
Implementing the runNotification Method
The template includes the runNotification method, which is called by the Integration Server based on the polling notification node's schedule. This method has no arguments or return values; it merely publishes documents.
This method constructs an event query document with the query criteria input, and sends it to the Sample Server. It then waits for the reply document from the Sample Server. The query can produce one of three possible responses:
*Success with output: The notification succeeds, and receives a notification document.
*Success with no output: The notification succeeds, but no event has occurred. The notification receives an acknowledgment document.
*Failure: The notification fails and receives a negative acknowledgment document; an AdapterException is thrown with the appropriate error message.