Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 4: Adding Polling Notifications
Phase 4: Adding Polling Notifications
Implementing the Polling Notification Template
Compiling the Phase 4 Implementation
Configuring and Testing the Polling Notification Nodes
Disabling or Deleting Your Copy of the Phase 4 Implementation
In this phase, the adapter includes the definition for a polling notification template that you use to configure polling notification nodes. These nodes will poll the Sample Server to determine whether checks have cleared or bounced, or whether accounts have negative balances. This section describes how to:
*Implement the polling notification template. See Implementing the Polling Notification Template.
*Compile the Phase 4 implementation (the WmSampleAdapter4 package). See Compiling the Phase 4 Implementation.
*Use the template to configure two polling notification nodes (one for check clearing/bouncing, the other for negative balances).
Each node generates a document that will be used to contain the affected portion of the Sample Server data, and to inform the Integration Server of the changes. See Configuring the underBalancePolling Notification Node.
*Create an Integration Server trigger and a flow service for each polling notification node.
The notifications will publish their result documents to the triggers. Upon receiving a document generated by the polling notification, the trigger causes the Integration Server to invoke a flow service registered with the trigger to process the document's data. In the Sample Adapter, the flow service invokes the pub.flow:savePipelineToFile service. This service simply saves the polling notification event (the contents of the pipeline) to a file. Typically, this service is used as a debugging tool. It is provided here simply to demonstrate the use of the notification. In a real adapter, you would typically perform some kind of action with the notification data. See Creating the Trigger for the underBalancePolling Notification Node and Creating the Flow Service for the underBalancePolling Notification Node.
*Schedule and enable the polling notification nodes. See Scheduling and Enabling the underBalancePolling Notification Node.
*Test the polling notification nodes. See Testing the underBalancePolling Notification Node.