Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 4: Adding Polling Notifications | Implementing the Polling Notification Template
Implementing the Polling Notification Template
Implementing the runNotification Method
Revised Code From Phases 1, 2, and 3
To define a polling notification template, you extend the class com.wm.adk.notification.WmPollingNotification. The Sample Adapter includes the subclass as MessagePolling in the com.wm.adapter.wmSampleAdapter.notification Java package. You will use this template to configure two nodes to monitor the following types of events:
The Sample Server records this event when a Clear Check or Bounce Check service clears (approves) or bounces (disapproves) a deposited check.
The Sample Server records this event when a Withdraw or Transfer service causes a negative account balance. The document will not be published if the account's negative balance is greater than the available credit limit amount. For example, if the credit limit amount is 1000, and the account balance falls to -1001, the document is not published; an error is issued.
The bean properties declared in the MessagePolling class are as follows:
The event to poll in the Sample Server.
The fully qualified input parameter names, including all the record structures and array indicators.
Unlike adapter services, polling notifications accept no run-time input data, other than the configured property values specified here.
The input parameter data types, including all the array indicators.
The fully qualified output parameter names, including all the record structures and array indicators.
The fully qualified suggested output parameter signature names, including all the record structures and array indicators. You cannot change these names.
The output parameter data types, including all the array indicators.
The resource domains declared in the MessagePolling class are as follows:
Resource Domain
Looks up the list of Sample Server polling notification event names described in Banking Event Queries.
Looks up the fully qualified input parameter names, including all the record structures and array indicators.
Looks up the input parameter data types, including all the array indicators.
Looks up the fully qualified output parameter names, including all the record structures and array indicators.
Looks up the output parameter data types, including all the array indicators.