Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Excel : Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in Presto
Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in Presto
Register a Worksheet as a Spreadsheet Mashable in Presto
Register a Range of Cells From the Current Worksheet
Register a Worksheet From an Excel File in Excel
Register a CSV File as a Mashable
Valid Spreadsheet Mashables
Update Mashables Manually from Worksheets
Remove an Excel Mashable from Presto
In addition to importing information from Presto, you can also make information in worksheets or CSV files available in Presto as spreadsheet mashables. As a spreadsheet mashable, other users can use this data in mashups or apps. Or import your information into Excel for their own use.
When you register a worksheet with the Presto Toolbar, the speadsheet mashable can have either a snapshot of the information from your worksheet or a dynamic link to your worksheet. See Manual or Automatic Updates to Spreadsheet Content for more information. See Valid Spreadsheet Mashables for information on the format and content that you can include in a mashable.
You can also Update Mashables Manually from Worksheets to make updates to your worksheet available to other users. Or disconnect a worksheet from the mashable and Remove an Excel Mashable from Presto.
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