Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Excel : Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in Presto : Register a Worksheet From an Excel File in Excel
Register a Worksheet From an Excel File in Excel
If needed, set connection information to the Presto Server where you want to publish this mashable. See Configuring the Connection to Presto for instructions. See Register a Worksheet as a Spreadsheet Mashable in Presto for basic information.
To register a worksheet from an Excel file in Excel
1. Click Register/Update a Spreadsheet Mashable in the Presto Toolbar.
2. Click Next in the welcome window of the Register Wizard.
3. Set the From Excel File option and choose the file location.
If your workbook is located on your computer or on a network drive:
a. Set the Local Excel File Location option.
b. Click Browse and locate the Excel file that you want to use.
c. Enter the worksheet and Range of cells to use in the form:
For example: Sheet1$A1:G348
d. Click Next.
If the workbook is in SharePoint or a document management system and is available using HTTP and a URL:
a. Set the Remote Excel File Location option.
b. Enter the full URL to the worksheet you want to use.
c. If SharePoint or the document management system requires credentials to access this workbook:
*Click Credentials.
*Change the Authentication Type to Basic Web Authentication or Windows Authentication.
*Enter the user name and password to use as credentials.
*For Windows authentication, enter the Windows domain for these credentials.
d. Enter the worksheet and Range of cells to use in this worksheet in the form:
For example: Sheet1$A1:G348
e. Click Next.
4. Select the option to use for column names in the spreadsheet mashable:
*Use first row of range as column names is the default.
*Pick a row number for column names set this option and enter the number of the row within your range of cells that contains column names.
*Select a range for column names set this option and click Select Columns. In the worksheet, select a range of cells within one row that you want to use as column names and click Done.
If any cell in this row is empty, the Presto Add-On for Excel will generate simple column names.
5. Click Next.
6. Complete information for the mashable you are registering:
a. Enter a unique Name for this mashable.
Presto uses the mashable name to assign a unique identifer to mashables. Mashable names can contain characters from the character sets supported by the Presto Repository, numbers, spaces, tabs, line ends and these common symbols: _ ~ - * ' .
b. Optionally, select a Provider for this mashable, add Tags or enter a Description for this mashable.
You can also use the built-in provider: NONE.
c. Click Next.
7. Click OK once all information is correct.
Excel confirms that the mashable is successfully registered.
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