Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Excel : Export Excel Worksheets or CSV Files as Mashables in Presto : Update Mashables Manually from Worksheets
Update Mashables Manually from Worksheets
When your worksheet is on your local computer or a networked drive, updates to your Excel worksheets do not automatically update any Presto spreadsheet mashables that you have registered with the worksheet. You must manually update the Presto mashable information source with changes to your worksheet.
Restrictions from previous releases that required linking worksheets to Excel mashables in Presto are no longer applicable.
To update mashables from a worksheet manually
1. Update your worksheet, as needed, and save your changes.
2. Click Register/Update a Spreadsheet Mashable in the Presto Toolbar and click Next.
3. Choose the source of the updated data:
*From a Range in the Current Worksheet, click Select Range.
In the worksheet, select the range of cells with updates for this mashable. In the Wizard, click Done once the range of cells is correct.
*From Excel File, choose Local Excel File Location for worksheets on your local computer or on a networked drive. Then:
*Click Browse and locate the Excel file with updates.
*Enter the worksheet and Range of cells with updates in the form:
Updates to worksheets in SharePoint or another document management system happen automatically, sothe Remote Excel File option is not relevant.
*From local CSV file, click Browse and locate the CSV file with updates for this mashable.
Change the separator character or column name options, if needed.
4. Set the Update Spreadsheet Mashable option and click Next.
5. For worksheets, select the option to use for column names:
*Use first row of range as column names is the default.
*Pick a row number for column names set this option and enter the number of the row within your range of cells that contains column names.
*Select a range for column names set this option and click Select Columns. In the worksheet, select a range of cells within one row that you want to use as column names and click Done.
If any cell in this row is empty, the Presto Add-On for Excel will generate simple column names.
6. Click Next.
7. Complete information for the mashable you want to update:
a. Enter the Name for this mashable.
b. Optionally, change the Provider, Tags or Description for this mashable.
c. Click Next.
8. Click OK once all information is correct.
Excel confirms that the mashable is successfully updated.
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