Mashables : Connect Information Sources as Mashables : Create or Edit MashZone Feeds : Create a New MashZone Feed
Create a New MashZone Feed
Creation of new MashZone feeds may be disabled by Presto administrators.
1. Select Mashups > MashZone Feed Editor from the main menu.
The MashZone Feed Editor opens with the Output element that completes the feed definition already created.
2. To define the feed, you:
*Add one or more data sources.
*View data source results, if needed, to determine what conversions or transformations are needed.
*Add operators to convert, calculate or transform data.
*If needed, add user input parameters to allow users to select the data they want to see.
*Link the final results to the output to complete the feed definition.
*Save the feed definition.
See the MashZone documentation topics Create a MashZone data feed for an example illustrating the basic steps and the MashZone Feed Editor Features topic for basic information on working in this editor.
For more information, see Use data sources, Use operators and Use user inputs in the MashZone documentation.
3. Once you have saved the MashZone feed, you should open the artifact page for this feed and:
*Grant permissions to run this MashZone feed to other users. See Grant Permission to Run Mashables, Mashups and Apps for instructions.
*Add one or more views to this MashZone feed to define different ways to see this data. See Add Views to Mashables and Mashups for instructions.
*Create a basic app with this MashZone feed or add the feed to a workspace app. See Create a Basic App or Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard for instructions.
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